parshat Tetzave
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Hashem will not magically appear to Israel - He desires for man to look within and take action, to build a structure with reflection and pure intentions.
The Secret to Eternal Life
Ever since the dawn of time, people have pursued the goal of eternal life. The ancient Egyptians, for example, mummified their bodies, in the belief that this would grant them continuity from one world to another. Even today, many contribute to various Torah or kindness organizations in order to memorialize their loved ones... On a simple level, the aspiration for eternity stems from a positive place in one's soul: the striving to be like our eternal Creator. If so, when we consider the other levels of G-d's creation, we will realize that we are not very close to reaching this goal... -
The Essence of the Sanctuary What is the Most Important for Temple Erection
Why aren't the Muslims and the Christians able to build the temple even though they've been trying for hundreds of years? What are they missing out? -
Honoring the Priesthood in Our Time
Tetzave starts out with two verses discussing the oil for the Menorah (lamp) in the Mishkan. It must be "pure beaten olive oil," and the lamp must burn perpetually in the Tent of Meeting. The commentators ask: What are these verses doing here in the portion dealing with the choosing and preparation of the Priests? Why are they not in the passage of the Menorah? -
The Great 'Blander'
If you had your choice, would you choose to live in a world with the potential for great good but the danger of great evil, or a blend of the two resulting in a great blandness?
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